Data Mining Group Mission

The DMG is proud to host the working groups that develop the Predictive Model Markup Language (PMML) and the Portable Format for Analytics (PFA), two complementary standards that simplify the deployment of analytic models.


Predictive Model Markup Language

PMML is the leading standard for statistical and data mining models and supported by over 20 vendors and organizations. With PMML, it is easy to develop a model on one system using one application and deploy the model on another system using another application, simply by transmitting an XML configuration file.

Portable Format for Analytics

PFA is an emerging standard for statistical models and data transformation engines. PFA combines the ease of portability across systems with algorithmic flexibility: models, pre-processing, and post-processing are all functions that can be arbitrarily composed, chained, or built into complex workflows. PFA may be as simple as a raw data transformation or as sophisticated as a suite of concurrent data mining models, all described as a JSON or YAML configuration file.